
Applications for enrolment at Hereworth can be made at any time and we encourage early application for places at all year levels, Years 0 to 8.

Enrolments for 2025

We are still accepting enrolments for 2025 so if you're interested in your son or daughter joining Hereworth, please click the 'Apply Here' button to begin your application process.

Enrolments for 2024

This year sees Hereworth School with the largest roll in our 96 year history. There are still some year groups that have spaces available, so if you are interested in enrolling your son or daughter for 2024, please click the button below.

Note - We currently have no spaces available in our new entrants' class, Year 6 or Year 7. If you would like to apply for these year groups, you will be placed into a wait pool and contacted if a space opens up.