Hereworth Foundation

The Hereworth Foundation is the vehicle that manages the financial support given to the school. As a trust established in 1962 by a group of Old Boys, the Foundation works to ensure the financial viability of Hereworth and secure its future as an independent school.

A Registered Charitable Trust

The Foundation is a registered charitable trust (registration number CC33027) and its trustee is the Hereworth School Trust Board. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible and donation receipts are issued at the end of the financial year.

Since its establishment, the Foundation’s asset base has increased steadily through the ongoing generosity of donors and good investment stewardship. The Foundation’s funds are overseen by an investment committee appointed by the Board, who meet regularly and receive professional investment advice. The Board monitors the committee’s investment performance.

Vision And Goals

For Future Generations

The vision of the Hereworth Foundation is that future generations of students will enjoy the benefits of an excellent Hereworth education, set in outstanding facilities, at an affordable cost to families.

Protect your Independence

The primary goal of the Foundation is to protect the independence of Hereworth School. With minimal State funding available to independent schools, the Foundation seeks to augment the school’s income by way of an annual donation.

Capital Development

Its secondary goal is to help fund capital developments at the school, preserving and enhancing the facilities on offer to benefit students now and in the future.